Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

Project Intervention

Since inception CDP has been implementing projects supported by different development partners as well as of it's own fund.
The followings are a list of projects implemented by the organization since 1997

Safeguarding Coastal Ecosystem from Irresponsible Commercial Shrimp Farming (SECO)

Safeguarding Coastal Ecosystem The project targeted 300 commercial shrimp farms and associated stakeholders and the surrounding community of the shrimp farms from the two coastal districts which are closest to the coastal forest; Khulna and Sathkhira in the SW coastal region of Bangladesh. The primary stakeholders of the project are poor women, coastal poor who are working in shrimp farms & processing plants, shrimp farm labourers, Shrimp farmers; Shrimp fry collectors (mostly women and children), shrimp processing and export establishments and shrimp farm owners Bangladesh Frozen Food Export Association (BFFEA) and Journalists. The secondary stakeholders of the project are Community leaders, Government officials, National policy makers and International Shrimp Buyers. The project was supported by IUCN-NL.

Improving Quality of Education for working Children in Khulna city

The successful approach of the project was to make the working children interested for enrolling schools. So the project planed to provide them with lessons on drawing and cultural activities along with drawing kits and snacks during classes. Competition on drawing and cultural events was another attraction for the children. This raise competitive mentality among the children for wining the first prize which ensured their regular enrollment in the school. The project also organized community meetings with parents of the children, employers of the child workers and community leaders to motivate them for regular enrollment of the children in the schools. These approaches increased the enrolment rate of the children by 22%. This increasing rate of children’s enrolment encouraged the authority of the beneficiary non- formal schools to add this components with their previous manual. The project was supported by Winrock International.

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Reviewing IWRM in Perspective of People’s Wisdom (People’s Traditional Practice on Water Management); Supported By A Participatory Action Research

The project was successfully implemented by the support of Water for People’s Network (WPN), Philippines in 2007.

The Sundarban Bio-diversity Conservation Project Watch Group (SBCP-Watch Group)

CDP with the financial support from Action Aid Bangladesh had formed the SBCP Watch Group to critically review and monitor the implementation of the SBCP project of ADB. As a consequence of the criticism of the people and media campaign by SBCP-Watch Group, ADB suspended the project in September 2003. The project was later cancelled in January 2005.

Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC)

The project was successfully implemented from 2003 to 2005. The project was supported by CIDA and implemented through Care.

Study on Feasibility of Cultivating Meley in wetlands

Supported by Grameen Trust and project was successfully completed in 1999.

Special Program for Food Security (SPFS)

The project was implemented during 2003- 2007 by the support of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) through the Directorate of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Government of Bangladesh under Japanese Grant (GCSP/BGD/033/Japan).

Ensuring Democratic Rights of the Munda Community of Southwest region of Bangladesh

Ensuring Democratic Rights of the Munda Community of Southwest region of Bangladesh through proper enrollment in ongoing voter list funded by The Asia Foundation, 2008.

Rice Diversity and Production in the Southwest of Bangladesh

The three-year project funded by DFID through PETRRA project of IRRI & BRRI was accomplished during 2001-2003 and ended successfully on March 31, 2004.