Promoting Peace and Progress
Wednesday, 26th of March 2025
Since inception CDP has been implementing projects supported by different development partners as well as of it's own fund. |
Strengthening People’s Action on Climate Risk Reduction and Energy Efficiency (SPACE) is a project of Coastal Development Partnership. The project is supported by Bread for the World Germany. |
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PEACE is strengthening the local capacity on community-driven ecosystem-based climate change adaptation to reduce vulnerability and adverse impacts of climate change in Bangladesh through effective and active participation of the extreme poor, socially excluded & most vulnerable communities. Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienste.v (EED), Germany is supporting the project. PEACE is being implemented in 2 phases. Phase I (2010-2011): Identification of the existing local knowledge base of local adaptation strategies within a community This phase was successfully completed in March 2011. |
The successful approach of the project was to make the working children interested for enrolling schools. So the project planed to provide them with lessons on drawing and cultural activities along with drawing kits and snacks during classes. Competition on drawing and cultural events was another attraction for the children. This raise competitive mentality among the children for wining the first prize which ensured their regular enrollment in the school. The project also organized community meetings with parents of the children, employers of the child workers and community leaders to motivate them for regular enrollment of the children in the schools. These approaches increased the enrolment rate of the children by 22%. This increasing rate of children’s enrolment encouraged the authority of the beneficiary non- formal schools to add this components with their previous manual. The project was supported by Winrock International. Go To → |
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People acting through social mobilization for the conservation and wise use of wetlands in the south west coast of Bangladesh was a initiative of Coastal Development Partnership to mobilize and aware people about the importance of wetlands. The project was implemented in all the three south west coastal districts. CDP and four other PNGOs implemented the project with a great success by mobilizing all the key stakeholders (communities, Elected Representatives, Government Agencies, Business Communities, etc.) for the conservation and wise use of wetlandsThe project was supported by Ramsar Secretariat and Government of Japan. |
CDP with the financial support from Action Aid Bangladesh had formed the SBCP Watch Group to critically review and monitor the implementation of the SBCP project of ADB. As a consequence of the criticism of the people and media campaign by SBCP-Watch Group, ADB suspended the project in September 2003. The project was later cancelled in January 2005. |
Mapping the Battling Stories of Community Resistance against the Twin Crises (Food crisis & climate Crisis) of the 21st Century in Bangladesh is a reserach project of Coastal Development Partnership supported by Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN).
The objective of this research project is to To determine the capacity of the Bangladesh to achieve food self-sufficiency and build resilience to address the climate crisis by relying on biodiversity-based smallholder agriculture. |
Supported by Grameen Trust and project was successfully completed in 1999. |
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Scoping Study on Climate Change and Environmental Education in Asia Pacific - The case of Bangladesh is a research project supported by CLIMATE Asia Pacific. The objective of the research was to: Recognise the importance of education as an instrument to foster the participation of peoples in cultural, social, economic and political developments; |
The project was supported by Danida and was implemented in 2000. |
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The project targeted 300 commercial shrimp farms and associated stakeholders and the surrounding community of the shrimp farms from the two coastal districts which are closest to the coastal forest; Khulna and Sathkhira in the SW coastal region of Bangladesh. The primary stakeholders of the project are poor women, coastal poor who are working in shrimp farms & processing plants, shrimp farm labourers, Shrimp farmers; Shrimp fry collectors (mostly women and children), shrimp processing and export establishments and shrimp farm owners Bangladesh Frozen Food Export Association (BFFEA) and Journalists. The secondary stakeholders of the project are Community leaders, Government officials, National policy makers and International Shrimp Buyers. The project was supported by IUCN-NL. |