Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

2. Climate Resilient Community Development (Climate RECODE)

Coastal Bangladesh Climate Resilient Community Development (Climate RECODE) Program is a community-driven approach for strengthening local ownership of local problems and solutions, as well as designing actions to deal with identified climate change challenges in the rural and urban communities.The Climate RECODE program put emphasis on increasing social capital (quality and depth of relationships among the community members) and human capital (competence to create and re-discover local resources for livelihood survival) without squandering natural capital (Biodiversity & Ecosystem) incorporating community knowledge partnership as the guiding principles. Development of eco-region specific local adaptive capacity is important for addressing & monitoring the actual impacts of climate change in different parts of the country.


To enhance community climate resilience, the program is primary focused on the following strategic actions:

a) Sustainable Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Climate -Friendly Livelihood

b) Capacity Building for Ecosystem-Based Responsible Aquaculture

c) Community-Driven Eco-Region Specific Climate Change Adaptation

d) Supporting communities to achieve Food Sovereignty

e) Ecosystem-based Agriculture, Aquaculture & Agro-forestry solutions for tackling climate change

f) Responsible Aquaculture for minimizing negative environmental impact & better livelihood

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