Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

Doha Climate Graveyard: A Southern reflection of the Climate Change Negotiations at Doha and Beyond

Doha Climate Graveyard

A reflection on the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 18) in Doha by S Jahangir Hasan Masum, Executive Director of Coastal Development Partnership. A critical review on the outcome of Doha Conference.


Battling the Twin Crises of the 21st Century & Stories of Community Resilience in Asia Pacific

Battling the Twin Crises

World is still facing a major problem of volatile food prices. Over the years, farmers and communities have been bombarded with the corporate propaganda that agriculture can only be developed and food security be ensured by following the corporate model of agricultural development, relying on markets, synthetic agrochemicals and biotechnology. The corporate agriculture feeds only 30% of the world’s population but virtually controls the total global trade and investment in food and agriculture.

The publication was supported by Asia Pacific Research Network.


Climate Change impact on the Poor People of the Sundarbans Community in Bangladesh

Climate Change impact

The study covered major portion of the Sundarbans Bangladesh part, which encompasses 6 Upzillas of Bagerhat, Khulna and Satkhira Districts. 1440 Sundarban-dependent & poverty stricken household heads who are involved with CDP activities took part in this study and 50% of them were women. The respondents of the study are termed as “Poor People’s of the Sundarbans Community”.

The publication was done under the project "People's Empowerment for Addressing Climate Justice and Environmental Justice (PEACE) Project." supported by: EED-Germany.


Ramsar Convention on Wetland (Bengali Version)

Ramsar Convention

Ramsar Convention in Bengali

An initiative of Coastal Development Partnership to familiarize the Ramsar Convention Wetland. The publication was done under the project "People Acting through Social Mobilization for the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetland in the South West Coast of Bangladesh." supported by: Ramsar Secretaiat.


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