Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

8. Innovative Community Micro-Enterprise (INCOME)

Innovative Community Micro-Enterprise Innovative Community Micro-Enterprise (INCOME) is a specialized form of community-based organization that has both commercial and social aims and objectives. INCOME is a process by which poor people build profitable business organizations with value chain approach & partnerships with ecological responsibility. The INCOME Program manages CDP Organic & Rural Development Enterprise (CORE) as an income generating project and Community Micro-Enterprise Resource Centre (COMMERCE) as the capacity building project.

INCOME program is currently focused on the following issues:

a) Sustainable Agro-Food Production and Climate-Friendly Consumerism

b) Promotion of more affordable and efficient services to support urgent community needs

c) Capacity-building/development of community skills for self-reliance & local income generation


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