Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

7. Aid Accountability, IFIs Watch & Development Effectiveness (AID)

Aid Accountability, IFIs Watch TheAid Accountability, IFIs Watch and Development Effectiveness (AID) Program Unit addresses the major governance challenges for Bangladesh such as poor deliveries of basic services, corruption, lack of transparency, inefficient parliamentary oversight, and weak public institutional accountability etc. CDP facilitates citizen’s participation to improve the effectiveness and quality of Government decisions. CDP Development Effectiveness activities include monitoring the quality and evaluate the impact of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs)supported government program as well as the IFI role in policy reform using grants and loans on the various conditions in the context of good governance.Through this program unit, CDP hasproven herself as an activist and peoples’ advocate organization both in the national and international arena.

The AID program is primary focused on the following strategic actions:

• Facilitating citizens’ active participation to promote transparency and accountability

• Ensure citizens access to information; ideas and examples to stimulate intellectual freedom and safeguard individual democratic values

• Opposing any form of censorship or intellectual anarchy against poor people.

• Promoting principles of anticorruption, transparency,vertical &horizontal accountability through governance innovations like, Participatory Budgeting and Public Expenditure Tracking to improve transparency and accountability.

• Monitoring the responsiveness, quality and evaluate the impact of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) & donor supported development cooperation programs, specially large-scale infrastructure projects

• Research and advocacy on principles, frameworks ofdevelopment effectiveness, PPP (Public-Private Partnership) approach to address the current challenges(i.e., climate crisis, financial crisis, food crisis).


CDP has been closely monitoring the IFIsactivities and organizing different peoples’ movement against the unjust and ineffective developmentinterventions of IFIs in Bangladesh since its inception in 1997. On 28 March 2008, CDP submitted with the demands of fair compensation for the one million affected people of KJDRP area to the ADB Headquarters. CDP, IAP, NGO Forum on ADB has jointly organized a Post Card Campaign where 300 people from the affected community participated directly. In 2009, CDP screened an Advocacy video titled "Tears of the Millions" on 2nd May in the Water Rights Conference of APNFS-Philippines during the 42nd AGM of ADB in Bali 2009. CDP also participated in the Asian Peoples’ Tribunal on ADB organized by the IBON foundation on 3rd May, 2009, where CDP representative provided testimony on KJDRP and the advocacy video was also shown in the tribunal. In 2010, CDP and its local partners organized few video shows and opinion-sharing meeting with the local affected people.

The CDP's experience in conducting Advocacy includes:

a) Advocacy for revision of the Khulna-Jessore Drainage Rehabilitation Project(KJDRP) for eradication of Water-logging in the Coastal Embankment Project Areas.

b) Advocacy in respect of Land Reform and Settlement of the land-less in State-owned Khas lands, especially in respect of the land-less in Debhata-Kaliganj of Satkhira district.

c) Advocacy for preservation of Environment in the Southwest Coastal Region.

d) Advocacy in respect of the Sunderbans Bio-diversity Conservation Project (SBCP)

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