Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

Networking And Partnership

Public Private Partnership The evolution of CDP as coordinating secretariat for a network of NGOs had played a role for the organization to continue capacity building of the grassroots level NGOs/CBOs and maintain network approach for program implementation and policy advocacy. Partner mobilization is still the core process of CDP for catalyzing, identifying, assessing, and selecting local networks comprising CBOs/NGOs that have the potential to both works with extreme poor people and to effectively manage their organization. It is a two-way process that centers on building a relationship of mutual respect and trust. CDP has more than 100 grassroots organizations/local NGOs in 40 districts as development & solidarity partner on different issues.CDP is one of the members of different international Network and involved in various activities/agenda related to Economic Justice, Forest, River, Commercial Shrimp, Human Rights, Nature conservation, Wetland Conservation, HIV/AIDs, Child Rights, Indigenous People's Rights, Promotion of Democracy and governance. CDP exchange information to concerned network partners.


CDP Partnership with International and Regional Networks


1. Asia Pacific Network on Food Sovereignty (APNFS) 17. Global Fund for Women
2. Agribusiness Accountability Initiative (AAI) 18. Himalayan & Peninsula River Network
3. Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) 19. IUCN Commission on Education & Communication
4. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) 20. International Food Security Network (IFSN)
5. Aids-Care Watch Campaign 21. International South Group Network (ISGN)
6. Bangladesh-India-Pakistan People's Forum 22. International River Network (IRN)
7. Bank Information Centre (BIC) 23. Mangrove Action Project (MAP)
8. Both ENDs 24. NGO Forum on ADB
9. Climate Action Network (CAN) 25. People’s Action on Climate Change (PACC)
10. Earth Day Network (EDN) 26. People’s Movement on Climate Change (PMCC)
11. Environmental justice Forum (EJF) 27. South Asia Network for the river and People (SARP)
12. Fresh Water Action Network 28. SANSAD
13. Friends of Earth International 29. Third World Network
14. Focus on Global South 30. Water for the People network
15. Global Response 31. Wild life Conservation Networks
16. Climate Asia Pacific  


Devlopment Partners of CDP:


coastal bangladesh_iucn danida oxfam
dfid care bd coastal bangladesh_aus aid
ruffordsmallgrant fao irri
coastal bangladesh_asia foundation ramsar cvt
coastal bangladesh_winrock coastal bangladesh_greengrants
eed bothends
coastal bangladesh_forum-adb tides coastal bangladesh_provention
coastal bangladesh_bicusa action aid aprnet
coastal acdi-cida wisc. edu
coastal bangladesh_rib-bangladesh