Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

1. Climate Change, Environmental Justice & Conservation (Climate ECO)

 Program Of Coastal Bangladesh CDP The Climate Change, Environmental Justice & Conservation (Climate ECO) Program Unit addresses both root causes and associated barriers linked with the Climate Change & environment through effective and active participation of the poor, socially excluded & most vulnerable communities. It aims to increase capacity of the poor people to cope with the effects of climate change, reduce the risks of natural disasters and increase their resilience. The Climate ECO Program focuses on the process and seeking ways to involve the community in planning, decision-making and implementing adaptation actions to address immediate climate change vulnerabilities.


2. Climate Resilient Community Development (Climate RECODE)

Coastal Bangladesh Climate Resilient Community Development (Climate RECODE) Program is a community-driven approach for strengthening local ownership of local problems and solutions, as well as designing actions to deal with identified climate change challenges in the rural and urban communities.The Climate RECODE program put emphasis on increasing social capital (quality and depth of relationships among the community members) and human capital (competence to create and re-discover local resources for livelihood survival) without squandering natural capital (Biodiversity & Ecosystem) incorporating community knowledge partnership as the guiding principles. Development of eco-region specific local adaptive capacity is important for addressing & monitoring the actual impacts of climate change in different parts of the country.


3. Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD)

Climate Change Education by Coastal Development Partnership

The process of the greening carbon-addicted economy both at global and national would not be accelerated without qualified climate professional and such process require specialized climate change education for taking actions to solve real-life problems linked with climate change. Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD) is about the development of Climate Resilient capacity- thus increasing the abilities of individuals, groups or organizations to address opportunities, risks or vulnerabilities associated with climate change.


4. Social Peace, Economic Justice & People’s Empowerment (SEE)

Social Peace, Economic Justice in coastal bangladesh The Social Peace, Economic Justice & People’s Empowerment (SEE) Program Unit is working with the poor communities & their supportive grassroots NGOs/CBOs to build their capacity for promoting social peace and economic justice by reducing social conflict regarding use of natural resources within and across generations.CDP is one of the pioneer NGO in terms of working with the indigenous “Munda” people to promote their identity and raise their unheard voices to the Policy makers as well as in the national development agendas' since inception in 1997.


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