Coastal Development Partnership
Promoting Peace and Progress
Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership
Friday, 14th of March 2025
CDP has taken the challenge for empowering the people with disabilities through partnership with Disabled People’s Organizations. CDP RED Program aims to ensuring that disabled people are always included and consulted on all matters, so that they can fully participate in society as “Differently Able Person (DAP)”. |
CDP supports the development of media, information and technology resources to advance human achievement and understanding. Indigenous Ethno-botanical knowledge Managementcan serve as an effective development tool to improve the living conditions of indigenous communities without degrading the environment. Proper documentation of ethno-botanical knowledge produces a written cultural heritage that can be passed on from generation to generation. |
TheAid Accountability, IFIs Watch and Development Effectiveness (AID) Program Unit addresses the major governance challenges for Bangladesh such as poor deliveries of basic services, corruption, lack of transparency, inefficient parliamentary oversight, and weak public institutional accountability etc. CDP facilitates citizen’s participation to improve the effectiveness and quality of Government decisions. CDP Development Effectiveness activities include monitoring the quality and evaluate the impact of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs)supported government program as well as the IFI role in policy reform using grants and loans on the various conditions in the context of good governance.Through this program unit, CDP hasproven herself as an activist and peoples’ advocate organization both in the national and international arena. |
Innovative Community Micro-Enterprise (INCOME) is a specialized form of community-based organization that has both commercial and social aims and objectives. INCOME is a process by which poor people build profitable business organizations with value chain approach & partnerships with ecological responsibility. The INCOME Program manages CDP Organic & Rural Development Enterprise (CORE) as an income generating project and Community Micro-Enterprise Resource Centre (COMMERCE) as the capacity building project. |
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