Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

25th April 2013, Human Chain

CDP Demands on behalf of the KJDRP affected people

Coastal Development Partnership, RUPSA, Paribartan-Khulna, SEDOP, NGO Forum on ADB jointly organized a Human Chain in Khulna on 25th April 2013. The Organizations demanded extension of time period for the affected people to claim compensation to ADB for their projects. Principle Jafar Imam presided over the Human Chain.

Mr. Shamol Singh Roy of Sammilito Samajik Andolon, Shahnewaz Ali of Brihattara Khulna Unnayan Sangram Parishad, General Secretary of SUJON Advocate Qudrat E Khuda was present and spoke in the Human Chain. They clearly expressed their solidarity on the issue and demanded that ADB should be accountable to local people.

SM Iqbal Hossain Biplob presented the six point demand on behalf of the Khulna Jessore Drainage Rehibilitation project implemented by ADB. Development Activist Afjal Hossain Razu, Hironmoy Mondal of Rupsa, Fazle Bari of AOSED, Jalal Uddin Ahmed, Rama Das, Nikhil Biswas, Afroza of CDP was also present in the Human Chain.

Press Release in Bengali Format

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