Coastal Development Partnership

Promoting Peace and Progress

Coastal Bangladesh, public private partnership, NGo in Bangladesh, CDP bd, Coastal, Coastal Development Partnership

Earth Day Observation

Coastal Development Partnership organized a Tutu Memorial Drawing Competition among the high school students in Khulna to observe the Earth Day 2013. The competition was devoted to the late founder of the organization Ashraf-Ul-Alam Tutu and was named on him.

50 Students from reknowned high scools in Khulna City participated in the competition. The competition theme was “The face of Climate Change”. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Nazrul Islam Manju (Honorable MP, Khulna 2) and was chaired by the famous Educationist Principal Jafar Imam. Mr. Harun Ur Eashid, District Administrator of Khulna District was present as the Chief Guest. Mokbul Hossain Mintu, President, Khulna Press Club attended the competition as the Special Guest. Mr. Shamol Singh Roy, Central Leader of Bangladesh Krishak League, CDP Advisor Sheikh Abdul Jalil, Editor of Desh Sanjog Mr. Mahbubul Alam Shohag, Hironmoy Mondal of Rupsa, CDP’s Divisional Coordinator S. M. Iqbal Hossain Biplob also attended the competition and motivated the young students by their speech. Rama Das of CDP facilitated the event. Mr. Kanak Rahman, Khulna Bureau Chief of Ekattor TV, Staff Reporter of Bangla Vision Mr. Atiar Parvez and Milon Biswas, Director of Khulna Art Academy was the adjudicator of the Competition.

The Competitors took part in the competition in two categories: Group A: Students from Class 9 to Class 10, Group B: Students from Class 6 to Class 8. At the end of the competition the judges scrutinized all the art works and selected three students from each group as the winners.
The chief guest Mr. Harunur Rashid distributed prizes among the winners. The rest of the participants also recievd gift as the participants.







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