Coastal Development Partnership

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4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness

Fourth High Level Forum 1 by cdp


Fourth High Level Forum 2 by cdp

In Busan, Korea, on the occasion of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) from 29 November-1 December 2011, delegates met to review progress on implementing the principles of the Paris Declaration, and discussed how to maintain the relevance of the aid effectiveness agenda in the context of the evolving development landscape.

Culminating in the signing of the Busan Partnership Agreement for Effective Development Co-operation by ministers of developed and developing nations, emerging economies, providers of South-South and triangular co-operation and civil society, the HLF-4 marks a critical turning point in development co-operation.

Busan Partnership Agreement

After extended negotiations, 18 sherpas elected to represent a wide group of stakeholders reached agreement on the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation. This declaration for the first time establishes an agreed framework for development cooperation that embraces traditional donors, South-South cooperators, the BRICs, CSOs and private funders. This marks a turning point for international development co-operation.

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